December 06, 2005

The Policeman is always right

Friends, I strongly believe that the police are always right when it comes to brutality of black people. It is us (black folks) who are always wrong. Allow me to borrow 2Pac Shakur’s poem ‘Liberty Needs Glasses’ to make my point. This may appear contradictory at first but I beg you to read the whole thing:

Liberty Needs Glasses by 2Pac Shakur
excuse me but lady liberty needs glasses
and so does mrs justice by her side
both the broads r blind as bats
stumbling thru the system
justice bumbed into mutulu
and trippin on geronimo pratt
but stepped right over oliver
and his crooked partner ronnie
justice stubbed her big toe on mandela
and liberty was misquoted by the indians
slavery was a learning phase
forgotten without a verdict
while justice is on a rampage
4 endangered surviving black males
i mean really if anyone really valued life
and cared about the masses
they'd take em both 2 pen optical and get 2 pair of glasses

You see, the American social strata thrive on a system infested with people of different race, background and creed. In the end, we have a horde of ideas, and purported egos smack in the middle of justice’s cranium. People on power trip adorned in uniforms assert their own form of justice. One different from the one proscribed by law. Justice is carved out from blind sentiments and preconceived notions.
This is my story: Late in August 2000, I was on my way to Atlanta Georgia from Jacksonville Florida to visit my younger brother after a six-month long military deployment which took me to three continents. At last I was home and I looked forward to seeing my brother. I haven’t seen him since out mother succumbed to breast cancer just 2 days after my birthday.
Soon after I crossed the state boundary into Savannah Georgia, I caught sight of a police car behind me...and then a second appeared not too far behind the first one... and then a third appeared. I pulled over and three cops rushed over to my vehicle pointing their guns at me while they commanded me to keep my hands in their sight.

Cop #1 (gun pointing at me and the safety button off.): “Slowly step out of your vehicle with your hands above your head!”

Me (hands shaky, eyes in bewilderment): I did as I was told.
As soon as I stepped out of the car, I was pulled by shoulders, slammed against my car and he began to frisk me.

Cop#1 (Cop #2 had his gun pointed at me while Cop #3 searched my vehicle): "What’s your name?" "I SAID, WHAT's UR NAME?" he emphasised

Me: Igo W-wordu.

Cop#1: where are you from?

Me: You mean where I’m coming from sir or where I’m from?

Cop#1: Where are you from? You’re not from around here are you?

Me: I’m fr.. ( Cop #2 waved for him to come over to his side of my car where. I was ordered to stay put an not make a move. Cop #2 whispered something to him and the both looked at me briefly).

Cop#1: Let me see your ID card sir. (He ordered as he approached me again).

I handed him my ID card.

Cop#1: So you are in the military?

Me: Yes.

Cop#1: Well you can go now. The reason why we pulled you over is that there was an armed robbery at a gas station 2-miles behind and the description fits you. The only difference is that the suspect is about 40 years old.

At the time, I was 21 years old!
I guess the police officer who search my vehicle saw my white Navy uniform in the back seat.
Thining about that insident now, I often wondered why we are so different in the eyes of our fellow black brothers yet the policeman never seems to see those differences.I often wondered why black folks can’t stick together. I mean we find every little excuse be it skin tone, the shape of our heads or lips to create differences amongst ourselves. We call our brothers “Akata” – son of a slave. Brovas over here call us monkey, laugh at our accent and ridicule our lifestyle.
Although the brutality mate out to black people can be wrong, so-so wrong but the policeman is always right for one thing - in his eyes we are all black people. An important fact which we ignore as we ridicule ourselves in the face or adversery.
We are all BLACKS. Not Africans or African-American; not 20 or 40 year old African American male. We are all blacks to be subjected to their form of justice. AND THEY ARE DAMN RIGHT. We are Black people.
See, until we begin on the path of self realization, we may never attain self respect and dignity that all men of all color deserve. Come when Lady liberty and her sister Justice do get their prescription glasses, it will be the same of the old shit.


Nneka's World said...

Anyway i can relate to that, when i dont have money i take my friend's buss pass and believe me we dont look nothing alike and the bus man and inspectors just look over it. I then concluded, every black person looks the same