Black Woman by Igo Wordu
Black Woman, you are strong and kind. You carry your pain with grace and I am in awe of you. But I am baffled by your endless quotes from Michael Baisden and Dr. Farrah on how and what a ‘Real Man’ should be. I am left to wonder if you are capable of formulating your own thoughts or even realizing that you are not in a relationship with either one of them.
When you realize that your relationship is about your boyfriend or husband, maybe, just maybe, you can focus on the real element that matters – YOU. Hopefully you may realize that a relationship does not only depend on what a man can do for you; it also requires what you can do for the relationship.
Don’t you ever fool yourself to think that you are perfect because for every complaint you have about your man, he has two. We choose not to voice our displeasure; instead, we love you through your good and your ugly, the mood swings, and the colossal unpredictability that you are. Perhaps when you finally realize that a relationship is a journey of discovery, then you may be able to tap into that strong, beautiful and gracious Nubian queen that you are.
This is interesting simply because of the discussion I had with a married woman over the weekend. She stated women generally have an unending capacity to love and give love and men, once upon a time, were more respective of that. Women were wooed and given TLC because a man had the understanding that once he won her, her role would shift to the nurturer, taking care of him, their children, etc. Sure over time, the mental demands of both sexes have increased, but maybe the woman is looking to get back some of what was lost and looking to male sources to figure out how to do that. At the end of the day, open, honest communication is key. Closed mouths don't get fed. The complaining must stop but there is nothing wrong with constructive communication. If she has one criticism, and he two, find a way to talk about it properly rather than both parties being dismissive of each others' concerns.
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