Oh Lucky!
You were lucky to have incredible talent,
but your life lacked longevity.
Murdered in cold blood!
You were lucky enough to have a heart;
one which is brave enough to stand up for the rest of us
against blistering injustices and apartheid.
But your tender heart was too frail to fend off two hot lead from a smoking gun.
I truly find it hard to believe,
two bullets can silence you because in my mind, you are larger than life.
It is funny how the things you sang about were the things that caused your demise.
Greed and perhaps ignorance may have taken your breath away,
but you've only just become immortal.
For your voice still resonates through the walls of history
and guides us through a tempest present to a certain future.
Was it not you,
when you sang,
your voice descended upon our ears like sweet melodies
and inspired us?
Your voice can never be silenced, Lucky,
because is speaks for the mute.
Your vision will never die
because it is the eye that our blind Africa has.
With your fist,
you punched through the walls of racial inequality
and brought us to the shores of self dignity, love and respect.
You stood tall, strong and firm for us,
which is why I still don't believe
that your voice can ever be silenced
by two mere hot lead from a smoking gun.
Greed and perhaps ignorance may have taken your breath away.
But I remember in your last album when you said "Celebrate Life"
Isn't that ironic?
your life will be celebrated long after generations pass.
And you will take your rightful place in God's favorite army.
Adeu Lucky Dube,
May you Rest in Peace!