Yellooooow my people!! Countryman is back online fa sho. First of all, bigups to the man up stairs. Without him, nothing is possible.
I’d love to blog about other things but I’m sure you’ll understand if today’s blog is dedicated to a special woman named Coretta Scott King.
Bigups to Coretta Scott King, the wife of Martin Luther King Jr., who was laid to rest yesterday. I believe that people of the free world, especially people of color, owe her lots of gratitude. Because without her faith and belief in peaceful resistance, neither you nor I would be here today as free and dignified people.
When most women would have given up or discouraged their man, Coretta gladly sacrificed her personal time with her husband for the freedom and equality for men. When Luther King cried, she kissed him and assured him. When hope seemed faded and the struggle seemed weak, Coretta was the breath that gave our hopes life. 'Beautiful' is not a word enough to describe this woman of virtue. Maya Angelou describe her best calling her the ‘quintessential African-American woman’ In her eulogy, Angelou told a story of a woman who is simply beautiful:
" In the midst of national tumult, in the medium of international violent uproar, Coretta Scott King's face remained a study in serenity. In times of interior violent storms, she sat her hands resting in her lap calmly. Like good children sleeping. Her passion was never spent in public display. She offered her industry and her energies to action toward righting ancient and current wrongs in this world. She believed religiously in non-violent protest. She believed it could heal a nation mired in a history of slavery, and all its excesses. She believed non-violence protests, religiously, could lift up a nation rife with racial prejudices and racial bias. She was a quintessential African-American woman. Born in the small town, repressive South. Born of flesh and destined to become iron. Born a corn flower and destined to become a steel magnolia".
- Maya Angelou
Finally Coretta, you stare into the heavens no more wishing for the day you will be in the bosom of the lord with your husband. We will not mourn you; rather, we will celebrate your legacy. Your death has freed you of the burden of man’s inhumanity to man. May you rest well in the bosom of the lord. May your life-after be filled with joy as you kiss, once again, the man you loved in flesh.
Adieu, mother of freedom. Free at last! Free at last!! Thank God Almighty, we once had you amongst us!