October 31, 2005

Let us all savor God's presence in African soccer

Is this God's miracle or what? I mean, we should have seen the writing on the wall long before the hand of God struck. For sometime, I thought African soccer was doomed under the perils of European soccer. When it seemed that we'll never get beyond the mercy of wealthy European clubs whisking our soccer talents away from us, God showed up. A continent once plagued with poor administrative management and lack of facilities, now has an incline of what progress means. Indeed there is a wave of change across the land.
Though, avid soccer fans, especially Nigerian and Cameroonian fans may frown for not reaching the next Fifa world cup finals in Germany. I must dare to express my joy in the fact that the heavyweights will for once seat back at home while tiny freshmen like Angola and Togo bear the African flag in the world cup (mind you, I'm a very strong Nigerian fan).
I have no doubt that the next African cup of nations will indeed be one to remember throughout history because for whatever reason, the likes of Nigeria anCameroon suddenly have something to play for.
Now, soccer authorities in those countries are making promises here and there in a last minute ditch to save their faces for their corrupt ways and lack of proper administration. I think it's too little too late. The message is loud and clear. There aren't any little boys in the game anymore. Political influence in the game of soccer will always yield bad results.
Let us all savor the moment of change in African soccer. The landscape has changed forever. Mighty Nigeria and Cameroon will always be kept on their toes from now on. Those players should know that when you are called up for national duty, politics, and your personal pride should take backseat because millions of people depend on them the moment they wear that jersey. They have to assert the same amount of enthusiasm as they do when they play for their European Lords. They should never forget that the support of the millions back home helped them to get to wherever they are in their careers. Go Africa!